Building a portable, convection vaporizer is a notoriously difficult task. There are a lot of elements to juggle, and a lot of problems to overcome. Ghost has been working hard at the task, and if anticipation for their first vaporizer, the MV1, is any indication, they may be on the right track.
The Ghost MV1 is almost ready for its grand entrance into the market, and we’re excited to see how far this ambitious vaporizer has come in just a few short months. With on-demand convection heating, excellent vapor quality, and a sturdy design, there’s a lot to like about the Ghost MV1, and a few features you can’t find anywhere else.
Clean, cool, and customizable
A glass, ceramic, and stainless steel air path keep the flavors clean, while the Ghost’s heatsink, which houses the adjustable-airflow mouthpiece, does an excellent job cooling your vapor. You can keep it closer in for more resistance and bigger clouds, or extend it for an easy draw with surprising effects. You’ll find satisfying draws at any temperature level, with particularly tasty vapor at low temperatures.
Highly efficient convection heat
The Ghost relies almost entirely on convection heat, so it’s already efficient, but it also heats up and cools down very quickly. That means your herbs won’t continue to vaporize when you aren’t actively holding the button and drawing. It also brings us to one of the MV1’s key features -- on demand vapor.
On demand vapor
Our pre-production sample is able to reach the third temperature settings, 392° F, in just 10 seconds. After the first hit, subsequent draws can take as little as three seconds. That far outpaces almost every traditional vaporizer on the market, and is one the Ghost’s greatest selling points.
Solid, attractive build
At five inches tall and three-quarters of a pound (343 grams) the Ghost MV1 vaporizer cuts an intimidating figure. It comes in three glossy colors -- black chrome, rose gold, and nickel -- and a fourth matte satin silver option, if that’s your style. All four have the same tough, black plastic backside and battery. It doesn’t look like any other vaporizer on the market, and your hand is immediately drawn to it.
A learning curve
The Ghost MV1’s loading and heating interface takes some getting used to. Two buttons control the vaporizer, with a multi-color LED to indicate status. You’ll need to read up on how to control the MV1 at first, but it becomes second nature through regular use. It also has a somewhat odd crucible design, where the lid isn’t fixed to the chamber, it just sits on top. Once it’s in the vape, it holds firm, but it can be a little tricky to get settled, and it's something Ghost has been working on revising.
Helpful smartphone app
While you certainly don’t need the app to use the Ghost MV1 vaporizer, it does let you quickly set the mode and temperature without having to interpret the lights. You can fine-tune temperatures, change settings, and lock the device so it can’t be used without your permission. It has no problem managing multiple vaporizers in a small area, as well.
For dry herbs or extracts
The MV1 arrives with six preset temperature settings: five for herbal use, and one for extracts. The three lower temperatures are set from the factory at 338, 365, and 392° F, and the two upper temperatures can be changed from their initial settings at 410 and 428° F using the app. Each crucible holds about 0.1 grams of dry herb, which produced a surprising amount of vapor.
Removable battery pack, good duration
Our pre-production unit was able to power through about eight crucibles, or 50-60 draws, before it needed a charge. There are some changes to both power management and batteries still incoming, so we expect these numbers will change, but it’s already performing quite well. Stay tuned for our full review to see how the production units perform, once they’re ready for the spotlight.
Full suite of accessories
For a pre-release vaporizer, the Ghost MV1 already has a rich set of accessories. A crucible holder lets you take a small cluster of pre-loaded sessions on the go, and concentrate pads fit right inside, if you’re interested in carrying around something stickier.
Ghost MV1 release date?
The MV1 is scheduled for release to the public sometime in June of 2018. We're currently waiting for more information from Ghost, and will update this section once we find out more. Subscribe to our newsletter or keep an eye on our Instagram stories to be the first to know.
Final thoughts
The Ghost MV1 brings some new, unique features to the table, and it certainly has vaporizer nerds like our researcher buzzing. It’s as close as you’ll get to on-demand heating from an electronic vaporizer, while still delivering some of the best flavor we’ve found in a portable. It’s hefty, it’s flashy, and it might be the pioneer of a new category of vaporizer. Make sure to check out our full review once we’ve been able to spend some time with the production units.