Ghost MV1 Vaporizer First Look

Ghost’s Ambitious MV1 is Almost Ready

When some inconsistencies delayed the MV1’s launch, Ghost responded with fast, effective improvements. Let’s see how far they’ve come.

It all started with vaporizer reviewer Vape Critic, who declared it his favorite vaporizer before anyone else had spent time with it, causing it to become one of the most talked about vaporizers in years. With a massive amount of hype behind them, Ghost decided to push it out the door in small numbers, to test the waters.

The first users reported inconsistent results -- some sessions were amazing, others were underwhelming -- so Ghost held off selling any more units until they could fix the problem. The Ghost MV1 is just about ready to launch, so let’s check on their progress.

Ghost MV1 Vaporizer First Look

The ambitious and shiny Ghost MV1

We’ve been spending time with pre-production versions of the Ghost MV1 vaporizer since late 2017, and we aren’t the only ones. Ghost has a number of trusted users who have been testing and providing feedback along the way, and a small number of customers were able to purchase early units during a Slightly Stoopid tour, as well as on the Ghost website for a brief period. Some people immediately praised the MV1’s vapor quality, while others were underwhelmed by its inconsistency and learning curve. What we didn’t expect was that Ghost would jump so quickly to make it right.

Ghost MV1 Vaporizer First Look

A surprising Ghost response

When word got back to Ghost headquarters about the issues, they halted sales immediately and set about fixing them. In just a few months with the Ghost MV1, we’ve seen physical updates to the crucible lid, heat sink, mouthpiece, and battery, plus countless software updates to tweak settings and outputs. Each one has made a noticeable improvement to the MV1’s overall quality, and everyone who already has an MV1 has been included on these updates for free.

Ghost MV1 Vaporizer at Champs

What’s next for Ghost?

If you’re reading this, Ghost still isn’t selling the MV1 vape. A new heatsink is going out to testers to try out, and our experience with it has already been excellent. We got a chance to try out the MV1 at CHAMPS in February, and were really impressed by how many improvements they’ve made in-house that are still being tested for larger roll-out.

We appreciate their commitment to ensuring a quality product and happy customers. It’s an attitude they share with some of the best vaporizer manufacturers out there, and the right one for the industry. It also matches the Ghost’s target audience - vaporizer enthusiasts looking for the next big thing in vapor tech. Make sure to stay tuned for our first look and full Ghost MV1 review as we start checking out the final version of this intriguing new vape.


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