xmax starry vaporizer in hand

XMAX Starry Quickstart Guide

Getting started with your new XMAX Starry vaporizer is easy, and we’ll show you how.

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Read the ReviewShop POTV XMAX Starry V4

The X MAX Starry Vaporizer is a sleek, pocketable vaporizer, and ease of use is one of its better qualities. Still, our quickstart guide will get your new Starry up and rolling in no time, and have you vaping like a pro.

What’s in the box

  • X MAX Starry Vaporizer
  • Cleaning set (Tweezers, Brush, Tool)
  • USB Charging Cable
  • Metal Mouthpiece Screen
  • 2 x Heating Chamber Screen
  • 2 x Silicone Mouthpiece Cap
  • 2 x Mouthpiece Tip O-Ring
  • Wax Cup


X MAX Starry Cord Plugged In

Before you use your Starry for the first time, make sure to give it a full charge. This could takes as long as four hours the first time, with shorter charge times after that. We recommend plugging the USB cable into your phone’s wall outlet adapter for a faster charge. The battery will charge faster with an external charger, if you have one.


To turn on the Starry, hold the power button for three seconds.The two smaller buttons adjust the temperature up and down, and it will immediately start heating up to the last temperature. The coffee cup icon will blink while it heats up, and turns solid when it’s time to vape.

On the display, you’ll find the current battery charge, session timer, target temperature (small), and actual temperature (large), plus the heating icon. You can hold the power and minus buttons for a few seconds to switch between Celsius and Fahrenheit, or the power and plus buttons to switch between five and ten minutes for the auto-shutoff timer.

X MAX Starry Display

Run a burnoff

Now that the Starry is charged and ready to go, let’s run a burnoff cycle to remove any leftover residue from manufacturing and shipping. With the mouthpiece attached, turn the temperature all the way up to 464° F (240° C) and let it run until it shuts off on its own. Repeat this process three to five times, until any smell is gone.

Your first session

X MAX Starry Vaporizer Mouthpiece

We recommend grinding your herb to a medium consistency, like cracked pepper. Fill the chamber, and gently tamp it down. Put the lid back on, and swivel the mouthpiece out. For your first session, start with the heat set to 390° F, and take a light, slow draw, like sipping hot tea. You shouldn’t need to stir, but you may be able to get a little bit more vapor with a stir near the end. As your session lightens up, you may want to start raising the temperature a bit, although we suggest you keep it under 430° F.

Clean up quick

Our full maintenance guide can help with the deep cleaning, but you can keep those to a minimum by cleaning out the oven right after use. After it’s cooled down for a minute, brush any remaining particles from the oven and mouthpiece screen.

X MAX Starry with Brush

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