DynaVap releases a new M every April, but for 2021 they surprised us with three vapes: a new M, Omni, and Vong! We have you covered with the details for all three, but this review will geek out on the 2021 M, and what separates it from previous versions. If you’re not into all the subtle nuances, we have a more general review of the 2021 M.

DynaVap M Vaporizer
Starting at C$80.00 Regular price: C$100.00
The DynaVap M is a ridiculous value. The vapor is strong, the size is miniscule, and the low price will surprise you!
- Great vapor
- Amazingly small
- Crazy low price
- Captive cap stays put
- Dual airports
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The DynaVap M 2021 Review: The Final Version?
DynaVap has released a new M portable vaporizer for five years in a row, and they’ve gotten quite good at it. Each year we’ve seen incremental improvements to the vapor quality, as well as the look and feel. In my opinion, they nailed the vapor in 2019, and the tactility this year. So is it finally time to slow down and settle in on this version for a few years? That’s not the type of question a company usually answers with a simple “yes” or “no”, but DynaVap did say they feel more satisfied with this version than any other, and they’re not out to make changes unless there’s something to improve.
Nails the vapor
I enjoyed all my M’s, but in 2019 DynaVap found a significant leap in vapor quality, and every M since has followed suit. I’m consistently surprised at the vapor from such a small bowl. With a torch lighter, the first hit is thick and tasty, with unexpected punch. I mostly use big plug-in dry herb vaporizers with huge herbal chambers, and every time I return to the M I’m shocked at how much I get from so little.
The best feel yet
VapCaps aren’t just designed for looks. Every M vaporizer since 2017 strived for the right feel. DynaVap wants your fingers to naturally find the best spot to twirl, and find the airport without looking. Each iteration got better and better, but the 2021 M finally did it. The stem’s facets flow through an hourglass shape that seem to magnetically attract my thumb and index finger, and the angled rocker opposite the airport is unmistakable. I can pick up this M blindfolded and still find my bearings.

Are the new tip geometries better?
Yes and maybe. What’s for certain is the Captive Cap stays on much better this year, and is still easy to remove. This is due to the new channel cuts on the outside of the bowl. The surface is slightly faceted, with horizontal cuts, which DynaVap claims also improve airflow and heat transfer.

The 2021 tip has a larger channel below the bowl than before, which preheats the air a little more. The five fins that extend around the neck of the tip are thinner near the bowl and thicker near the stem for better heat dissipation.
DynaFans will debate their legitimacy, but it’s incredibly difficult to confirm any of these claims. There are too many variables that can’t be isolated to directly claim causality, but their combined effect is fantastic.
Deciphering DynaLingo
DynaVap is good at making up cool names for simple features, but they can sound confusing. Here’s a rundown of what they mean.
- Next gen chiral airport - Last year introduced the chiral airport, or two airports that look like mirror images. In 2021, the chiral airport is back, but shaped more like the letter M.
- Incremental fin profile - This refers to the five fins on the tip below the bowl. They are thinner near the bowl, and get incrementally larger near the stem.
- Septa crown - The crown refers to the very end of the bowl, and septa refers to the seven airflow cuts found there.
- Fully faceted extraction chamber - The outside of the bowl has new cuts and contours that reflect light like a gemstone.
- Enhanced tactile navigation geometry - Refers to the engravings on the stem, and how they lead your fingers to the twirl zone and airport.
- Pro”M”inent compound angled rocker - The ridge opposite the airport that makes it easy to find without looking.
- 10mm tapered mouthpiece - It doesn’t look like it, but the mouthpiece end of the M tapers slightly to mate with 10mm female glass joints.
- 2 position adjust-a-bowl - All new DynaVap tips now come with two positions for the bowl screen, so you can vape a full or half load.
M airport - this one rocks!
The airport and rocker were redesigned for 2021, and they feel great! The rocker is prominent and very hard to miss. This is the first M that I can navigate blindly without issue.

The airport functions similar to the new Omni, with a port on each side of the condenser tube inside. By gently rocking the M back and forth during a draw, I can send the incoming air alternating down both sides of the condenser tube. It might work a little better than before, and is definitely more fun!
Keep the good stuff
When it works, leave it alone, right? Some of the features introduced in previous years made their way into this version, including the 10mm tapered mouthpiece, the mouthpiece groove for o-ring, and the two-setting adjust-a-bowl. The price is still just $75, and the packaging is still recyclable.
Easter Eggs!
I love the DynaVap Easter eggs! They revolve around geometries and numerology. I call the 2021 M a “Lovesong to the Number 7.” Hidden in the functional art are collections of seven to find. We mentioned the Septa crown, which refers to the seven cuts on the tip of the bowl. Now look for more! There are at least seven easter eggs from tip to mouthpiece.

Should you buy this version?
If you’ve never had a VapCap before, this is the best place to start. The function is superb, the feature set approaches what you’d get on the new Omni that’s triple the price, and it’s still $75! (Don't forget about accessories!)
If you already have one or more VapCaps, it comes down to what you look for. If you’re all about the vapor, and have something from 2019 or later, you don’t need to upgrade. But if you appreciate the tactile differences, definitely get the 2021 model. It’s far and away the best M to hold.
DynaVap M 2021 Pros & Cons
Pros 👍 |
Cons 👎 |
Bottom lineThe DynaVap M is ultra portable, amazingly efficient, and will be a worthy purchase for years to come. Whether you’re new to dry herb vaporizers or a seasoned veteran, everyone needs a VapCap. |
Limited edition colors
Along with standard silver, DynaVap also offers three limited edition colors for the Fall season. Rosium, with its vibrant purple finish and golden undertones, the deep blue, color-changing Azurium, and Veridium with a mossy green finish, and blue and yellow undertones. Grab one now while supplies last!
The vape geek in me loves annual updates, but I know they’re not sustainable. The amount of time and resources it takes to redesign and produce a new model is significant, and DynaVap deserves more return on their investment. But they’re not the kind of company that sits still when improvements can be made.
I genuinely think the 2021 M could be the model they sit on for a few years. It feels complete to me, and to DynaVap, as well. I think it’s a worthy upgrade, and it’s the M I now reach for.

DynaVap M Vaporizer
Starting at C$80.00 Regular price: C$100.00
The DynaVap M is a ridiculous value. The vapor is strong, the size is miniscule, and the low price will surprise you!
- Great vapor
- Amazingly small
- Crazy low price
- Captive cap stays put
- Dual airports